August 27, 2020
60 Mins
Bob Verchota
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Burned Out or Checked Out: Dealing with the Disengaged Employee

In the beginning, Justin was a good employee but lately, he has lacked the drive and dedication that we once saw. Now his performance and quality have dropped and his attitude is sour. As his supervisor, you have been thinking that he either needs to step up to the plate or move on to something different. The company has invested a lot in Justin and doesn’t want to lose him but his behavior is no longer acceptable. What do you do?

Reengaging the disengaged employee is a challenge and by the time you see the problem, it may be too late to salvage the employee. This is different from creating an engaged workforce. In this case, the employee was engaged and now they have somehow fallen off the rails. When it spirals out of control either the employee resigns or they are terminated. In either case, nobody wins.

In this webinar, Bob Verchota will explore the reasons employees become disengaged and the options employers have for turning the situation around. One thing is clear, corrective action usually isn’t the answer. It usually just serves to further alienate the employee. Bob will review the symptoms of disengagement, the potential causes, and possible employer responses to the situation so that you are more confident in dealing with your disengaged employees. 

Along with the copy of the speaker's presentation slides, you will also get Coaching questions for strategizing with your disengaged employees.

Webinar Objectives

  • The impact of disengagement to the company and the employee
  • The difference between fully engaged, engaged, and actively disengaged employees
  • Factors that influence disengagement and engagement
  • Assessing the signs and symptoms of the disengaged
  • Solutions and best practices for dealing with disengagement
  • How management must play a major role in the solution
  • Determining when it’s time to terminate a failed relationship 
  • How to create an engaging environment
  • Three key causes of disengagement
  • Assessing management vs. employee responsibility
  • 26 characteristics of great managers
  • 9 key causes of disengagement and how you can respond
  • The role of coaching and mentoring
  • Five essential components to successful coaching
  • Five key steps to creating an effective action plan
  • How to integrate retention interviews into your solution
  • 12 proactive steps to keep engaged employees engaged
  • Learn the 10 “C’s” of engagement
  • Motivators and demotivators that influence engagement

Webinar Highlights

  • Cite the key reasons for employee disengagement
  • Understand the impact of disengagement
  • Identify the primary causes of disengagement
  • Recognize the symptoms of disengaged employees and how to respond
  • Identify the five components of coaching
  • Cite the five steps to creating an action plan 
  • Understand the roles of management and the employee

Who Should Attend

  • Human resources leaders and generalists
  • Employee development and employee relations professionals
  • Leadership and management 
  • Supervisors responsible for managing and leading the disengaged


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Bob Verchota

Bob Verchota is owner and senior consultant for RP Verchota & Associates, a consulting firm providing services to clients who seek to align their business and employees, creating successful outcomes and excellent work environments. After 30+ years in Human Resources senior leadership roles and teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses in Leadership and Organizational Development, Bob transitioned to using his experience and skills in consulting. Mr. Verchota provides solutions to companies for a wide variety of HR issues including training and development, compensation, compliance, policy development, performance management, employee relations and managing change from mergers and...

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